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Tomato Stacks

Tomato Stacks

For younger children to make, supervised by an adult

Makes 4

  1. Push a fork into the tomatoes and plunge them into a bowl of boiling water for 15 -30 seconds (depending how ripe the tomatoes are), holding the end of the fork’s handle to make sure that your fingers stay well out of the steam and water. Refresh the tomatoes briefly, in cold water.
  2. Peel the skin off of the cooled tomato – it should come away easily.
  3. Use a blunt cutlery knife to cut the cheese into 4 slices. Cut each slice in half, so that you have 8 slices.
  4. Carefully cut the base of the skinned tomato with a serrated knife, so that it stands flat. Cut the tomatoes into three using a serrated knife (mind your fingers!).
  5. Place the flat base of the three tomatoes on a plate. Put a piece of mozzarella cheese on top and then a basil leaf. Place the middle slice of tomato on top of the basil, followed by another piece of mozzarella and a basil leaf and top with the top of the skinned tomato.
  6. Place a basil leaf on top for decoration. Drizzle a tiny little bit of olive oil over the top of the stack. Repeat to make four stacks –these are yummy with French bread.

BEWARE some grown ups will like these stacks very much, so eat them before the grown ups do!

A grown up should assist at all times, and should do step 1 and 4.


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