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Dwindling nutrients in non-organic veggies

Between 1940 and 1991, the typical British potato “lost” 47% of its copper and 45% of its iron. Carrots lost 75% of their magnesium, and broccoli 75% of its calcium. This is according to the British government’s own scientifically researched data.

The pattern was repeated for vitamins. A study in Canada showed that between 1951 and 1999, potatoes lost all of their vitamin A and 57% of their vitamin C.

Today’s consumers also have to eat as many as eight oranges to obtain the same amount of vitamin A their grandparents did from a single fruit.

This has to be one of the most troubling consequences of the agrochemical revolution. This is the proven nutritive difference between the intensively grown fruit and vegetables of today and their organically grown equivalents 60 years ago.

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