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Brits eating more veg

People in the UK are buying more and more fruit and vegetables. 2005-06 saw the largest increase in purchases in the last twenty years, as shown by results from the Expenditure and Food Survey published today by Defra.

The results also show that people are buying less confectionary, and soft drinks and indicate a decline in purchases of alcoholic drinks both for the household and in pubs and restaurants.

Household expenditure rose for cheese, eggs and milk, with a continuing switch from whole milk to semi skimmed milk. There was also an increase in intake of fibre.

Jeff Rooker, Minister for Sustainable Food and Farming said:

“These are national statistics produced to high professional standards and are an important addition to the evidence base on diet. These healthier trends in food purchases are promising, but we cannot be complacent, and must continue to encourage these trends, through healthy eating initiatives, like the 5 A DAY programme.

“Consumers must remember that the food choices they make can have a big difference not only to their health, but to their environment, and our countryside�?

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