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January raw

January is an ideal time to try a high quality organic raw diet, as the main ingredient of a balanced raw vegan diet is dark leafy greens. Kale loves January, also rainbow chard loves the cold, as well as all manner of dark leafy green vegetables. Dried raw recipes are a great addition to raw food, adding the convenient throw-it-in-your-bag factor. And that’s why I enjoy my Excalibur dehydrator so much. It preserves fresh fruit and vegetables while retaining most of their fresh nutrition value, and allows me to make snacks like crackers and cookies that make everything taste good to go. The photo above shows my dried apple slices, made by simply slicing apples with a knife, drying them for about 8 hours on low, and then sprinkling with ground cinnamon. Mmmmm! Check out my recipe for Pumpkin and Flax Seed Crackers in the recipe section, so easy to make and great with salads, hummus, almond butter and guacamole.

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