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10 Tips for Eating Organic On A Budget

1. Join a CSA if you’re in the USA, or a box scheme in the UK. Fresh produce from the supermarket is more expensive and not as fresh, even if it’s marked organic.

2. Don’t buy convenience food, it’s much more expensive than making things from raw ingredients. Make meals in big batches and freeze in meal-sized portions.

3. Eat more of every fruit and vegetable, including cauliflower stalks and greens, potato skins, and citrus zest. It’s good quality food, don’t waste it!

4. Make a shopping list, and stick to it! It’s the little snack foods and extra items that can bump up your food budget.

5. Buy cheaper cuts of organic meat, like stew beef, and get creative in the kitchen. Also, consider eating a little less meat by making dishes with other high-protein ingredients like lentils and beans.

6. Grow your own fruit and vegetables, even if it’s just herbs in a window box or a pot of juicy tomatoes.

7. Create an organic buying group to bulk-buy store cupboard staples. You can find your local food co-operative by searching online. UK readers can find listings on this site.

8. Bake your own bread, cookies and cakes. Try a bread machine… just throw the ingredients in at night and wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread. When you see how easy it is, try baking bread from scratch. Millions of people around the world do it every day, so can you!

9. Forage for wild food, even in the city. Everything from fresh herbs to tree-ripened fruit is on your doorstep.

10. If you have space, keep your own chickens and bees.

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