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Frying up a treat

Ysanne cooking

Fish is so good for you, salmon doubly so. If you’re in an area of the world where the main kind of salmon in your store is farmed, you need to choose organically farmed salmon. Choosing organically farmed fish as opposed to non-organic farmed fish is important for your family’s health, for the environment and for the welfare of the fish.

Salmon farms that aren’t organic are similar to battery farms for non-organic chickens. They suck. Over crowded and infested with sea lice, the fish are dowsed with pesticides every day because disease can spread so easily through the cramped tubs of stressed and under-exercised fish. Organic salmon farms have to allow greater space for the fish to swim, which is essential for these creatures, as they’re loners in the wild. It also means they’re less fatty and more fishy by the time they get to your pan.

I have Alaskan wild salmon frying in my pan, because wild stocks of salmon are still plentiful in these pristine glacial waters. Alaska isn’t exactly on my doorstep here in Los Angeles, but given the choice of locally farmed organic salmon and wild salmon from Alaska, I’d go for the wild option. Seeing as I’ve not actually spotted any locally farmed organic salmon, option anxiety has been avoided entirely. However, if you’re presented with the choice of organically farmed salmon or wild salmon and you’re not in California, it’s probably best to choose the organic option until you get more facts about the status of your local wild salmon stocks.

Remember, oily fish is great for your brain, for your skin, for your bones. It’s a quick supper that’s luxurious, delicious and nutritious. I’ve just pan-fried it over a low heat with garlic and fresh organic cherry tomatoes. Wish I could share it with you…

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