Here I am at Urth Cafe enjoying some nori seaweed rolls. Inside the thin thin layer of seaweed is moist Californian short grain brown rice, and inside that is some smooth ripe avocado and cool crisp cucumber. Underneath the seaweed is some umeboshi plum paste to help the seaweed paper wrap around and stick like glue. It’s also one of my favourite flavours, a sort of tart and salty and plummish fermented concoction that really does have to be tasted to be believed. And then there’s the nori seaweed itself. It’s grown in the ocean on nets made of woven rope dangled between long bamboo poles driven into the sea bed in gentle Japanes bays. The shallow waters mean that the plant can get plenty of sunlight to make the delicious and nutritious greens, while at the same time absorbing a bounty of minerals from the sea water it’s sucking from. Richly flavoured and just so good for you, it’s easy to cook with and the easiest of sea vegetables to eat.
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