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Green Foods

Wheat Grass / Barley Grass

Cereal grasses are chlorophyll rich super-foods providing an abundance of nutrients. Wheat grass contains approximately 90 minerals of the 102 found in rich soil. The therapeutic properties of wheat and barley grass are virtually identical.


Being a very concentrated source of nutrients it is suggested that small amounts be taken, at least initially to avoid any strong cleansing reactions. As part of a blend of green foods start at 1tsp daily, more may be used depending on body weight, physical demands etc.

Potential applications

Inflammation, arthritis, digestive acidity, sports nutrition, weight control, body odour and bad breath, convalescence, hyper/hypoglycemic conditions, anemia, liver detoxification, ulcers, pancreatitis, visual complaints, allergies, heavy metal poisoning, maintenance of hair/skin/nails, cellular health and maintenance.

Known contraindications

None known.

Use in conjunction with

Beneficial in weight control when linked with other supportive nutrients such as milk thistle, l-carnitine, EFAs and CoQ10. The use of iron alongside green foods would appear a useful strategy in cases of chronic anemia. Use with probiotics, antifungal agents and fibres as part of an anti-candida programme.


Intake of wheat or barley grass rarely affects individuals with wheat or other cereal allergies.


Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa)


Alfalfa is basically a food, which makes 'dosage' inappropriate. However levels of 1-10 grams are suggested.

Potential applications

Polycystic ovaries, elevated triglycerides/cholesterol, hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis, digestive disorders e.g. gas, bloating, inflammation, bad breath, PMS, menopausal complaints, sports nutrition.

Known contraindications

Alfalfa seeds but not the leaf are known to contain significant amounts of a non-essential amino acid - Canavanine which when consumed in large quantities can cause a reversible lupus like condition in some individuals.

Use in conjunction with

Alfalfa links well with other detoxifying agents such as spirulina, milk thistle, and a cleansing diet. As an aid in female health, alfalfa links well with EFAs, Calcium/Magnesium/Boron and Dong Quai.


Intake of wheat or barley grass rarely affects individuals with wheat or other cereal allergies.

Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)


Significant therapeutic improvements have been noted using levels of 480mg daily.

Potential applications

Diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, cataract, glaucoma, varicose veins, gastric ulcer, poor vision, inflammatory conditions, elevated cholesterol or triglycerides.

Known contraindications

None noted.

Use in conjunction with

Bilberry can be used alongside other vascular supportive aids such as antioxidants, grape seed extract, vitamin E, hawthorn and EFAs. For eye health, bilberry can be linked with beta carotene or spirulina, quercetin complex, and grape seed extract.

© Cheryl Thallon at Viridian

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