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Tanacetum parthenium

Feverfew has a long history of use and became very popular in the UK during the 1980s as a migraine remedy. Eclectic physicians used feverfew as a tonic which influenced the entire intestinal tract, to increase the appetite, improve digestion, promote secretion and act upon renal and functions.


400mg one to three times daily for prophylactic use. 1-2g may be required during an acute migraine attack. No restriction on long term use.

Potential applications

Feverfew is used mainly for migraine, arthritis, rheumatic disease, fever lowering, and allergies. In folk medicine, feverfew has been used for cramps, as a tonic, a stimulant, a digestive agent, a blood purifier, for digestive problems, intestinal parasites and gynaecological disorders.

Known contraindications

Those with known sensitivity to the Compositae family should not take Feverfew internally.


None known.

Use in conjunction with

  • Migraine - quercetin, grape seed/pycnogenol, EFAs, bilberry/eyebright


"In the worst headache this herb exceeds whatever else is known." - Physician, John Hill The Family Herbal 1772.


© Cheryl Thallon at Viridian

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