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GM Testing – Results

The Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE) issued a report to the Government following the results of the GM field-scale evaluations.

ACRE looked at whether the results of the field-scale evaluations meet European criteria for banning GM crops on environmental grounds. The report says that if GM oil seed rape and GM sugar beet are grown commercially, they will result in damage to the environment.

ACRE also said that more investigation is needed into GM maize because the herbicide used at present ­ atrazine ­ is due to be banned. ACRE said that in the meantime, if GM maize is grown, it must be managed in exactly the same way as in the field scale evaluations. This means that only one type of herbicide can be used.

A final decision by the Government is expected in the next six weeks. Margaret Beckett’s decision will apply across the EU, as Britain has been declared the “competent authority” on these crops.

ACRE’s report is available from:


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