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Acidophilus with FOS

It has been estimated that over 400 species of bacteria inhabit our digestive tracts with different species being found in various locations e.g. the stomach, jejunum, duodenum etc.

A balance of the appropriate flora is critical to ensuring not only a healthy intestinal tract, but also for long-term health through protection against pathogenic organisms and supporting gastro-intestinal health. The most important friendly bacteria are lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum both belonging to the bacilli species. The symbiotic partnership between humankind and lactobacilli has a long history of important nutritional and therapeutic benefits for humans.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Acidophilus is the most prominent friendly resident of the small intestine.

Bifidobacterium Bifidum

The Bifidobacteria are the main friendly occupant of the large intestine. The levels of bifidobacteria tend to decline with age and in conditions of ill health.

Lactobacillus Bulgaricus

L. Bulgaricus is a transient i.e. non-resident friendly flora, which helps other probiotic organisms to flourish. This organism offers similar benefits to acidophilus in that it is lactic acid producing, and offers anti-viral and anti-tumour activity. Much of the therapeutic data supports the use of this important transient organism alongside its counterparts lactobacillus acidophilus and the bifid bacteria.


FOS is a type of short-chain polysaccharide normally derived from artichoke or chicory root. FOS is not digested but is utilised by the friendly flora to increase colonisation of Lactobacilli and the Bifidobacteria whilst reducing the foothold of unfriendly species. FOS has also been noted to increase short-chain fatty acids(SCFAs), reduce serum cholesterol and blood pressure, and improve liver function and elimination of toxic compounds.


Citrus pectin is a water soluble fibre which assists in providing a healthy environment for probiotic flora to colonise. Pectin also assists the health of the GI tract through improved peristaltic function and increasing SCFA levels.


1 to 10 billion viable organisms daily. Best taken 30mins to 1 hour before meals.

Potential applications

Suitable for use during anti-biotic therapy, yeast infections i.e. candida, urinary tract infections, adjunct to chemo/radiotherapy in conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. Osteoporosis (dysbiotic flora can affect estrogen levels), auto-immune conditions e.g. ankylosing spondylitis / rheumatoid arthritis, herpes infection, elevated cholesterol, bowel-liver support, acne, constipation and diarrhea, and food poisoning (useful preventative).

Known contraindications

None known.


Acidophilus and B. bifidum are adversely affected by stress, alcohol and anti-biotics. Adequate folic acid and riboflavin (vitamin B2) are required for acidophilus to produce its antimicrobial chemical hydrogen peroxide.

Useful links:

Grapefruit seed extract, Oregon grape root, fibre blend, milk thistle, EFA's, antioxidants, lysine, B complex, digestive aid, green food blend, cranberry, Echinacea.

© Cheryl Thallon at Viridian

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