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Blog archive: July 2007

Heirloom tomatoes are perfect right now

Heirloom tomato

Whether they’re ‘tom-aaaah-toes’ or ‘tom-ay-toes’, the big and fat heirloom babies at my local farmer’s market are utterly perfect right now. Wrinkled and creased, with an astounding array of colors, they’re soft and juicy and deliciously sweet. Almost bruised in appearance at times with their purple / green / black color combo, right through to classic tomato red numbers, I’ve been eating them for practically every meal this week. Here’s my breakfast, and very nice it was too! Classic San Francisco style sourdough bread spread with French style chevre goats cheese and topped with four big rounds of fresh heirloom tomatoes. Flavour set ablaze with a sprinkling of French Atlantic sea salt and some crushed black peppercorns. Quick, simple and inspiring.

10th Birthday for Wolaver’s Organic Ales


Wolaver’s Organic Ales is an independent family run micro-brewery in beautiful lush green Vermont, USA. They’re celebrating their 10th anniversary by launching a special Belgian-style farmhouse ale. It’s a rich full-bodied beer, brewed with plenty of organic malts and hops. And for every bottle of Farmhouse Ale that is sold, Wolaver’s will donate 10% to the Organic Farming Research Foundation in Santa Cruz, California.

Another great reason to drink cool organic ale this summer.

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